Blue-grey South Sea Pearl pendants with diamonds set in silver are unique in colour and shape.
South Sea Pearls are a gem created by a living creature, and a living creature produces no other gemstone. The most sought-after pearls available on the world market are Australian South Sea pearls. The sheer size and lustre make them exceptional gemstones, and each pearl is unique.
Pearls with thick ‘nacre’ have more of a chance of having high-quality lustre. The arrangement and translucence of each nacre layer determine the glow. Ultimately, a favourable outcome depends on the amount of time an oyster has to coat the irritant. In contrast, less time will compromise the quality of the pearl. It can take up to seven-year and more to match enough pearls for one strand.
Because South Sea Pearls take a long time to cultivate, they are more costly. Production of South Sea Pearls depends on the time given, weather conditions, water quality, and technology, which are essential for the Pearl farms to produce quality pearls. Therefore each season, the production numbers vary depending on the conditions. To be sure, South Sea Pearls has one of the best environments to produce excellent pearls.
A Blue-grey South Sea Pearl is our choice for this design simply because of its graduating colours from a beautiful blue-grey to white.