Being a Jewellery Designer in Melbourne is a satisfying experience. In Melbourne, there are many opportunities to improve skill, techniques and develop a new way of thinking. A new way of thinking is an essential ingredient for the creative process.

Because Melbourne is the design and fashion centre of Australia, many designers gravitate towards Melbournes CBD and outer urban areas.
Exhibitions and shows are an excellent way for a designer to showcase their work. The social events allow the artisans to not only socialise but also to come together and exchange ideas.

There are opportunities to study and develop skills in an artistic and creative field. Imagination is a skill that can be developed and a process that can be managed. To learn and applying creative thinking processes begins with a foundation of knowledge, learning a discipline, and mastering a way of thinking. Not only are there college and universities to study the Arts, but there are also private Studios which offer a workshop to explore new ideas and learn new skills. However, real creativity is a bit of a mystery.

Melbourne is a city that requires close inspection. Hidden amongst spectacular heritage-listed building and modern architecture are restaurants, cafes, galleries and boutiques. It would be wise to seek local knowledge to find some of the most innovative designers and jewellers that Melbourne has to offer, not to mention the best places to eat.

As a Jewellery Designer in Melbourne, I love the interaction with creative people and the opportunities Melbourne has to offer.

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