The Bold Pearl and diamond pendant has a softness about it. The luminous Pearl and a sprinkling of diamonds on a pure gold and silver background have a fresh, clean look. However, it is a strong statement piece.
The Bold Pearl and diamond pendant is for the brave at heart.
Natural Pearls react when an irritant, usually a foreign object, works its way into an oyster. A fluid is exuded from the oyster and coats the intruder. The fluid is called ‘nacre.’ The oyster deposits layer after layer of nacre over the intruder until a pearl forms.
For thousands of years, pearls have always been considered symbols of wealth and wisdom. In ancient times, only the wealthiest people were allowed to wear pearls. Queen Margherita of Italy was known as the queen of Pearls, and she considered them to be her lucky charms.
White is, however, the most famous pearl colour; a white pearl signifies innocence and purity.
The Latin word for ‘Pearl’ is “unique.”