Soul Mate – ‘His’- a perfect match. This wedding ring has a matching design for ‘Her’. They are, of course, the perfect match.
Through history, the symbol of never-ending love is a circle. The Soul Mate – ‘His’ perfect match wedding ring symbolizes love but also a never-ending partnership, and this symbolism still applies today.
The belief is that the vain of love runs from the heart to the fourth finger on the left hand; for this reason, the wedding ring is a sign of a binding pledge between two people.
The Egyptians hieroglyphics said that the rings symbolized commitment and eternal love because the circle has no beginning or end. It also represents eternity, renewal, wholeness, and perfection. A circle is also symbolic of the sun, moon, and planets, bringing together all life. The wedding ring, however, brings together the lives of two people.
Today the choice of wedding rings is endless. In addition to gold, silver and platinum, you can now get durable steel and titanium rings which are ideal for active couples. Stylish and contemporary ring designs are also available for a couple to display their eternal love.
All our jewellery is Hall Marked. Michael Wilson and Tony Kean founded ‘The Gold and silversmithing Guild of Australia’ in 1988. The Guild stamp and the ‘Makers Mark’ logo are found on the item which verifies its authenticity. The Gold Smiths Guild is the only recognize stamping system in Australia. The Guilds Touch plate is a permanent record of the ‘Makers Mark’.