The Aquamarine Platinum Diamond Silver ring makes a bold statement even though the grey platinum and the white silver are pretty subtle. The design is a traditional style with a contemporary edge. While most prefer diamonds as an engagement ring, this Aquamarine ring would make an exciting engagement ring. I would love to make a matching silver and platinum wedding ring to suit this ring.
Aquamarine, named from the Latin phrase “water of the sea,” is the blue to blue-green variety. It ranges in colour from a faint light blue to blue and bluish-green. The most popular colour is bright blue.
This Aquamarine has characteristic inclusions. ‘Inclusions’ are a material trapped inside the mineral while being formed. The fragments are rock or other particles which are older than the mineral itself. Some gems combine high clear and transparent, while others have inclusions to varying degrees. Characteristic inclusions occur in all gemstones to some degree. Inclusions can provide identification and be proof of originality. In this case, they may increase the value of the gem. Furthermore, sometimes inclusions are beautiful and make the gemstone more attractive. You must realize gemstones are a miracle of nature and carry within them the mystery of time, in most cases millions of years; how after all those years did this piece find its way into my hands and for me to pass it to you.
This Aquamarine Platinum Diamond Silver ring is Australian-made and stamped with the makers mark and ‘The Australian Gold and Silversmithing Guild of Australia’ stamp.